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  • Nov 2nd - Mon Night Happy Hour

Nov 2nd - Mon Night Happy Hour

  • Mon, November 02, 2020
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Your Computer!


  • No cost for guests or members to attend!

Registration is closed


Some members are not able to meet in person yet. Therefore, I will continue to offer these virtual happy hour casual meetings so we can support each other during this time. These happen in the weeks between our regular meetings just so we can stay in touch.

I will be moving them to TUESDAY nights moving forward but in the month of November they will be on MONDAY nights. The first Tuesday is election night and the next Tuesday, I have an evening appointment. I am open to another day/time if people want it. 

Let's have a quick check in to see how everyone is doing. Bring a glass of wine. Wear a funny hat. Wear your PJs. We don't care.  


7:00pm - 7:10pm ~ Welcome to Heart to Heart! (10 minutes)
7:10pm - 7:45pm ~ Let's go around the Zoom Room and share what we are grateful for or what we need support with this week. (35 mins)
7:45pm - 8:00pm ~ Share your good news! (15 minutes)

We have a corporate sponsor for our group who has graciously offered a special promotion for us! Anywhere But Here Travel now offers our members get a discount on our travel consultation fees! Read more about it on our Travel Perks page. 


Please visit our FAQ page for all the answers to your questions. 


We are a Women's Networking Group that encourages women to build relationships that will help business happen... naturally!

©Monica Hubinette
Heart to Heart Networking 
* Established in 2010 *


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