We are a Women's Networking Group that encourages women to build relationships that will help business happen... naturally! We are a group that has been meeting since 2010. This is a networking group for business women who own their own business, are in direct sales/MLM or are interested in starting their own business. We offer support, advice, friendship and so much more!
We welcome women from all walks of life and we are not industry exclusive. We welcome women from the same company or business category (i.e. Mary Kay or Realtor/Broker) as everyone has something different to offer. You can represent more than one company at our meetings but please pick ONE of your businesses to represent during each meeting. You can pick one of your other businesses for another meeting day, but please focus on one business per meeting. It makes our meetings go much smoother.
Our group is not about selling or hosting parties for each other. Although that does happen, it just isn’t our main focus. This is a group to help support and encourage one another. We cheer on the successes and brainstorm when you hit a road bump. We can collaborate on events and help with marketing for each other. Let’s lift each other up!
We encourage everyone to attend as many meetings as possible but there is no requirement to attend every meeting. Building relationships takes time so the more regularly you attend, the more benefits you will reap.
Come check us out and please read more about our meeting format and why we collect dues as well.
There is a mobile app that you can download and install on your phone that might make it easier for people. We would love to know your feedback! There are various things you can do with the app like: