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Kathy Miller

The Miller Connection

Everett, WA


Member profile details

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Business Name
The Miller Connection
Business Logo
City You Live In
Everett, WA
Tell us more about what you do!
I am a health insurance agent specializing in helping people navigate the healthcare system. This includes those that qualify for the state "Apple" plan, individuals eligible for subsidized healthcare premiums, and small employer groups. I also help seniors with products they may need including Medicare, life and dental or vision.

In 2017 I was the first licensed agent for 5 Rings Financial to start a program for women.

IT IS TIME FOR WOMEN TO START TAKING CARE OF THEMSELVES MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY AND FINANCIALLY FIRST. Then you will be able to take care of everyone else and in a healthier environment.

I have been introduced to many marketing products and for the most part have been successful in trying to have others invest in them. But I will keep supporting my H2H gals by trying their products to recommend to others.

I am also a digital artist and use my photography to create art and useable items. check out my Website: katmillerphotoartist.com
What are you looking to get out of this group?
Long term relationships
What is the best piece of advice someone gave you?
Someone once told me "If you don't keep your face in front of me I will forget who you are". I found over the years that this is so so true!


We are a Women's Networking Group that encourages women to build relationships that will help business happen... naturally!

©Monica Hubinette
Heart to Heart Networking 
* Established in 2010 *


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